Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nana's Visit

Nana came to visit us for a whole week and, even though it rained every day she was here (sorry mom!), we had a great time just hanging out and playing with Gabe. OK, I know he is not even 6 months old yet, but I swear he pouted for two days after she left! I think she may have spoiled him alittle bit when I wasn't looking :) We miss you and love you lots Nana.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Steelhead of 2010

Anybody who knows us knows that Dan is really, really into fishing (some might even say obsessed). Most people would see that it is raining sideways and call it "bad weather", but not my husband. To him that is a sign of steelhead on their way into the coastal rivers of Oregon and undeniably the best time of the year!

This one was caught on a flyrod...

This one on a Spinning Rod.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It was a Rhetorical Question

Does this diaper make me look fat?

Did you say "YES"?