Friday, February 25, 2011

February Wrap-up

Trying to keep Gabe entertained inside the house is starting to get more challenging. He is so curious and has so much energy, it's hard to find enough to do to keep busy. He really likes to be a big "helper" and I always give him lots of encouragement when he tries to "help". I say that in the most loving way, of course.

Gabe and his very own "Monkney" sent to him special delivery by Sister Rita!

We got our yearly snow storm about a week ago. Only totaled about two inches here in the valley, but that's a big deal to us. When Gabe woke up and looked outside, he was pretty confused and then got more excited as he saw the snow coming down out every window he ran to. Of course, we had to go outside and play in the snow.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Latest Happnins

I KNOW! I haven't blogged in a LONG time. I guess winter time is pretty slow for us.... We are all doing good, though. Gabe continues to grow like a little weed. He is saying alot of words now and is a very easy kid (so I have been told). I feel pretty lucky to have such a mellow little guy! I have been taking pictures so I just wanted to share some of those....

He LOVES to be outside and we are lucky to have 3 acres to roam...

This is a rare moment...but he does entertain himself a few minutes each day!

Getting IN and UP on everything!