Friday, August 26, 2011

Davis Lake

Finally, the weekend came around and it was time to take another family camping trip. We headed out Friday morning towards the Oregon Cascades. Our original destination was somewhat overcrowded with people, not to mention mosquitoes, so we ended up at an old favorite...Davis Lake. It was already Friday afternoon when we finally pulled into the campground , so the sites were sort of picked thru already. We chose a site that was somewhat secluded, which was good, but didn't have much shade, which was not so good. It was HOT! (I mean like in the 90's) So, we spent most of our time at the creek that flows into the lake.
Gabe loved wading around once he got used to the water, which is snowmelt. I think he endured the cold because it was so hot outside.

There is a cool little path that follows the creek on it's journey to the lake. Summer has come so late to these high mountain lakes this year, there are still wildflowers blooming all around.
Waiting at the boat launch for Dada to return. The fishing was real tough this year, but the fish were BIG. I guess that made it worth it.

As you can see from some of the photos, there was a very big fire about 8 years ago started by someone leaving their campfire unattended in the campground. We used to come up here before the fire and camp and fish. It was a nationally recognized blue ribbon trout (fly fishing only) lake. Shortly after the fire, someone dumped bass into the lake and they have been competing with the trout ever since. The forest is just now starting to regrow, but it will be my son's lifetime before it starts to resemble what it once was. It is still a beautiful place, in my eyes.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Grandma and Aunt and Cousins.....OH MY!

Dan's Mom, his sister Kristi, and her kids Ashley and Terry came from eastern Oregon to stay with us for a whole week. We had a great time. The kids really enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and even the adults got in on the fun!

Gabe "jumping" with Aunt Kris

Roasting marshmallows for Smores. We did this a couple nights during their visit. We could roast a pretty mean marshmallow by the end.

We took the whole bunch to Alsea Falls for a day of exploring.

Furn Ridge Reservoir

We all took turns going for a spin in the boat with Dan. The lake isn't much for fishing, but it has lots of native birds nesting along its shores and happens to be close to our house so it is a good place for us to try out the boat motor each year before we take it to the Cascades.

Gabe got a Train Set from his Grandma for his Birthday. He is absolutely obsessed with it! We have relocated it to the coffee table so he can have all his new cars up on the tracks too. He calls the train "KeeKee" ( I guess that is what we sound like when we make train sounds.)

Dan's Grandparents sent Gabe a "real" John Deer wheel barrow for his Birthday! He loves filling it with toys and pushig it around the yard. As I have said before, it is all great practice to get him ready for the teenage years. There is always work to be done on the property :)

Nana & Grampa Visit

My folks came for a visit in July and took Gabe to all of his favorite places (and spoiled him just a little bit too.)
At the Pizza Place
At Gathering Together Farm
At Safeway (believe it or not, this makes the list of "favorite places" because of the ride in cars on the front of the grocery carts)
Putting together Gabe's new Motorcycle
My little Biker! (Tattoo pending :)
We had a great time with Nana and Grampa! At least once a day Gabe says "Nana,Umpa...Carby?" And I say "yes, they did go carby, but they will be back soon."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Alicia & Tom's Wedding

Dan's Cousin Alicia was married to her fiance Tom on July 3rd. The ceremony and reception took place at a beautiful hill-top vineyard south of Portland. Dan, Gabe, and I spent 4 days in St. Helen's with his family to attend the rehearsal dinner and wedding.
The Rehearsal "picnic" was at Rosa Parks Park in Portland. I have never seen that many roses in my whole life! It is worth checking out if you are ever in the area.
Ceremony and Reception
Congratulations Tom and Alicia!
Enjoying the vineyard setting

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gabe B-day.....Part 1

Hi all! Well, my computer finally died and took a bunch of my pictures and videos with it! I am having all my files transferred to my new computer, but in the mean time I will be blogging out of order. So, we'll start with our west coast family reunion - B-day party and work our way backwards. My folks stayed with us for a week, hung out with Gabe, and helped us put on a very successful party! Gabe loves anything that has to do with transportation, so my mom and dad picked out the perfect cake for him!

We had a great turn out and hope to get even more family involved in the years to come. It was so much fun to see everybody and have them all meet Gabe too!


(photos courtesy of Erin Mills)