Monday, December 3, 2012


Visit to the Oregon Coast Aquarium.

Every year they have a "Festival of Sea Lights" at the Aquarium where they put up tons of Christmas Lights and have a 2 dollar plus 2 cans of food entry fee.  A perfect time to visit for a great price!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas Parade

Corvallis has an annual Christmas parade the day after Thanksgiving that wraps around downtown finally ending at the courthouse with a tree lighting ceremony. Benton County always asks county employees and their families to ride on the float, and this year I 
decided Gabe was about the right age to enjoy it. Boy, was I right! He was getting more excited by the minute as we sat on the float waiting to push off. By the end of the parade route he was bouncing up and down, sucking on a candy cane, waving and yelling "Marry Christmas". Dan and I couldn't help from laughing at him.

Our float was the trolley, made to look like a train on the front.

We will definitely be riding again next year!

I had to add this pic to the post.  This was the front page of the paper the next day....Our float!  So, of course I clipped it out and posted it on the fridge so Gabe can look at it and talk about how much fun we had!
*Picture courtesy of the Gazette Times

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Halloween 2012.....Gabeasourus

For Halloween I decided to make Gabe a dinosaur costume.  It was simple, and comfortable, and by the time he decided he wanted to be spider man, it was too late.  Oh well.....There's always next year. 

Mom was here, so her and I took him downtown for trick-or-treating and to the library for the kid's Halloween carnival.  It is a big event here in Corvallis.  Gabe really enjoyed seeing all the kids in costumes....characters he knew from TV, books, or movies! 

Gabe would get some candy, start to walk away, and then turn around and say "roar...roar....roar" before his final exit.  It had me (and the store clerks) cracking up! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

1st Day of Preschool!

Gabe started preschool in October and so far is enjoying it very much.  He is going to Oregon State University's child development center.  His classroom is very culturally diverse and is filled with student teachers who are seeking degrees in Child Development.  So far it seems like a great program.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Clara's Wedding Map

Here is a link to the map for Clara and Mike's Wedding Events.  Click on the "Clara and Mike's Wedding" link below to go to the google map.  Print from here and your printout will include the addresses and show the locations on the map.

Clara & Mike's Wedding in a larger map

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekend at the Coast

Labor Day weekend on the Oregon Coast.  My Mom, Sister, myself, and all the boys enjoyed a beach house next to the beach for 3 days of fun in the sand and sun.  The weather was beautiful so we spent alot of time playing on the beach.  We also enjoyed the shops downtown including the candy shop and ice cream parlor.  My sister and I even got a chance go out one night and enjoy dinner and beers.  We are planning to make it a yearly event.  I am looking forward to next year already!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Birthday Week Extravaganza!

Gabe's 3rd Birthday lasted for about a week, rather then just one day!  We started off with a visit from Ian, Ryan and Aunt Erin.  The boys played, had lunch, and then Ian helped Gabe open his birthday gifts.  He got some really cool stuff!

Dan's family (mom, sister, and kids) spent a week with us and brought even more gifts!

He got a really cool 3 wheel (tricycle) from his Grandma Nancy and was peddling it within a few days.

Our friends from Montana came for a visit and the kids had a good time playing in the pool.

Gabe's Monster Truck Birthday Cake.

Spent a day at the Enchanted Forest.

And the beach!

Gabe had a great time during his "Birthday Week Extravaganza"!  When I asked him what his favorite part was, he said "Sharing my monster truck cake with my Friends".

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What we've been up to....

Philomath Frolic and Rodeo (Petting Area)

Ryan and Ian 4th Birthday Party!

Salem Art Fair
My cousins' performed in plays at the Fair and afterward we had a family get-to-gather at Paul and Megan's house.  It was a blast hanging out with the "West Coast" Family!

DaVinci Days.  Oregon's premiere arts and science festival in Corvallis!
I took Gabe to the Mud Bog portion of the Graand Kinetic Challenge.  Basically, people have to traverse their Kinetic Vehicles thru thick mud and then float a mile down the River.  Gabe just loves all moving vehicles, so this was a great treat to him.

And of Course....Harvesting is an ongoing activity this time of year.

Picking Blueberries at Wilt Organic Farms

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Family Reunion

We had a family get-together this past weekend with Dan's Family at our "place in the country". We had family from Pendleton, St. Helens, Portland, and Eugene.

Many rounds of badminton were won and lost.
Being a kid again....
Relaxing by the fire

Gabe had a great time with his cousins and it sure was alot of fun catching up with everybody and eating lots of good food too!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Pole Building

The builders started working on the pole building a few weeks ago and it has progressed pretty quickly.

This week the concrete will be poured, the doors will go on, and the final touch-ups will be made.  I can't wait to start putting our stuff in!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Camping on the Metolius 2012

Last year we took Gabe on his first camping trip to the Metolius River in central Oregon.  A whole year has gone by and he has grown up so much, the experience was quite different this time around, and alot more relaxing!  

Gabe throwing the ball for Sage

Boys playing with Fire.

We visited the Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery where they have a very large pond they keep trout in (see under the geese). A couple times a year they let kids fish for these trout. I can't wait! (and I thought the baby geese were cute too!)

Gabe has proclaimed a few times since we got back "I love camping!"

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gilbert House Salem

Last weekend we met the Mills' and the Cogswell-Camusos' at the Gilbert House Children's Museum in Salem.  The Museum consists of old historic houses that have been converted so that each room is a different theme.  There are several huge play structures on the grounds of the museum with lots of slides, mazes, bridges, etc. to get lost in.  We spent a few hours exploring the various rooms and playing outside with all the kids.  Gabe loved the mazes and slides; he likes to "follow" other kids around and he will dive down the tallest slide without even the slightest hesitation!  He is braver then his mother!

The Toddler Room

The Train Room

The Grocery Store (with Noah)

Afterwards we went over the Paul and Megan's house for a BBQ and more fun playing in the backyard with the kids.  We had a wonderful time and we will definitely do it again.