Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Birthday Week Extravaganza!

Gabe's 3rd Birthday lasted for about a week, rather then just one day!  We started off with a visit from Ian, Ryan and Aunt Erin.  The boys played, had lunch, and then Ian helped Gabe open his birthday gifts.  He got some really cool stuff!

Dan's family (mom, sister, and kids) spent a week with us and brought even more gifts!

He got a really cool 3 wheel (tricycle) from his Grandma Nancy and was peddling it within a few days.

Our friends from Montana came for a visit and the kids had a good time playing in the pool.

Gabe's Monster Truck Birthday Cake.

Spent a day at the Enchanted Forest.

And the beach!

Gabe had a great time during his "Birthday Week Extravaganza"!  When I asked him what his favorite part was, he said "Sharing my monster truck cake with my Friends".