Sunday, December 29, 2013

All Things December

Around the first of December we had a record snow fall of about 7-9 inches in the Corvallis area followed by a cold snap lasting more then a week with temps dipping down to the single digits at night.  They say this type of storm only happens every 20 years.  This was definitely the most snow I have ever seen here.
We had to sweep off the truck before going into town. 

Gabe enjoyed sweeping so well, he took the liberty to do all of the vehicles.

The snow was so dry it was almost impossible to even make a snowball.

Our first trip into town. This is our local Safeway parking lot.
We did get out to play in the snow too!
Since the city does not have the resources to deal with this amount of snowfall followed by freezing temperatures, the downtown area remained icy for over a week.
Gabe was helping me decorate for Christmas.

The Gingerbread Construction Project.  Dan said you must decorate the sides first before you elevate the structure.  I definitely think that was a wise choice.
Of course Gabe had to sample all of the candy.
We were all very proud of our little candy house!

Gabe opened the marble maze as his Christmas Eve gift. It was a big hit!  He has enjoyed playing with it every day since.
 On Christmas morning, I got up early and set up the fully charged video camera to record the whole event.  In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Gabe hadn't really seemed all the excited about it, so we weren't sure what to expect. He started opening presents with a pretty calm first. There were some books, etc. in the first few gifts, so he was happy about that.  The second gift was a Tractor pulling a trailer, so he started to get a little more excited.  The Third gift was a remote control Monster truck, and that was the moment everything changed.  After recovering from his surprise, he jumped up into the air, spun around chanting something that we couldn't quite make out, and proclaimed "It's present opening day!" in the most excited voice I have ever heard.  From that moment on, bows and ribbons were flying, wrapping paper was ripping and the rest of the present opening was somewhat of a frantic blur.  It was so much fun. the reason I went into great detail about this event was because later on in the afternoon I accidentally deleted the video I had taken of Christmas morning and, despite all my efforts,  have not been able to recover it.  I guess it will have to live in our memories.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoy a very prosperous and joyful New Year!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Holiday Parade

Gabe and I rode on the Benton County float in the Holiday Parade again this year.  We had alot of fun, although Gabe was frustrated because he wanted to be with all the kids on the street getting candy.  Luckily our float was toward the beginning of the parade, so we jumped off at the end and circled back around to watch the rest of the parade and gather candy with the other kids.