Once again, it was finally time to pack up and head east to Pendleton for a week of outdoor exploring and family fun at the Pendleton Round-Up. Yee-haw!! Last year Gabe was a little too young to really get excited about all the animals and stuff, but this time he really enjoyed, and even participated, in some of the activities.
The Pony Rides (he Loved it!)
Visiting the "Indian Village"
The real stars of the Rodeo.

The PBR Bulls. Oh, they don't look so mean.

Dan and I left Gabe with Grandma and Great Grandma/Grandpa to head off to the mountains for a few days.
The Lostine River

We camped on the Willowa River

And did some Grouse Hunting.
As with most vacations, this one was not without incident. We had a water hose break in the camper and flood 6 gallons of water (fresh...thank god!) into the floor of our camper. Luckily, it is under warranty so we were able to get it fixed right away and get everything dried out before any damage could occur. Oh well, we had a good time anyway and are already looking forward to next year!