Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our First Camping Trip

We went on our first Camping Trip of the summer to the Metolious River. It was also our first time out with our new camper and Gabe's first time camping as well. Lots of Firsts! We got a good spot in a very crowded campground. We used to be tent people before the kiddo came along, but I must admit, it was very nice having hot water, and a warm place to sleep. My last camping experience was particularly memorable....and not in a good way! I was 6 months pregnant and did not get one minute of sleep the entire three days! I swore off camping until Gabe was old enough to toddle around.... and getting the camper didn't hurt either. Now we are ready to get back to our old routine of visiting all the beautiful places in Oregon...and beyond in the years to come. Dan and I both camped all the time when we were young, and we want that for our son as well!

Gabe had a blast! There was so much exploring to do, it was rare to find him seated like this.

Sitting creek side

Helping Andrew build a camp fire

Dan fishing on the Metolious.