Sunday, February 10, 2013

Big Boy Bed!

Gabe really Loves his new Bunk Bed!  Although I do not allow him to sleep on the top bed yet, he sure likes to play up there!

On a side note....I know it's been a long time since I posted anything on my blog.  That is because we finally got tired of our Internet connection and cancelled our service in December.  We had been using a cell signal and it just kept getting worse and worse, until it was so slow we could barely send an email.  Since we have our smart phones, we decided to stop throwing our money away and just cancel the service.  Our rural telephone company began laying the Fiber Optic cables last May using a government grant to connect rural communities.  The service finally became available last week, and we were the first in line to get hooked up.  I will be able to blog, post pictures and videos with ease now!  We have stepped into the age of technology at our "place in the country"!