Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Fun

I do not recall an Easter Weekend where the weather was this beautiful and temps climbed to 70 degrees.  We started off the weekend with an Easter Egg Hunt at the Philomath Middle School on Saturday morning.  Gabe was instructed to run right past all the first eggs and head for the back where the pickin was easy...and that's exactly what he did!  It took him no time to score his allotted 15 eggs.

Later on in the afternoon, I set up all the egg coloring stuff on the patio and he got right to work coloring eggs.  Brown eggs take longer to color so you have to be very patient.  Note to self for next year: get some chickens that lay white eggs :)

On Sunday morning, the Easter Bunny (aka Dan) showed up with an Easter basket and hinted that there might be some more eggs hidden around the house, so Gabe, now being an egg hunting expert, collected those right up.

The Loot