Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Family Visits

Over the last few weeks, we have enjoyed visits from both sides of our Family.  First Nana and Grandpa spent a week with us and took Gabe all over the place.  They visited the local bounce house, pizza place, carousal, carnival, and many many playgrounds of various shapes and sizes.
Gabe in the spaceship at the park.
Superman on the carousal at Salem Waterfront Park
One of the local elementary schools was having a carnival with lots of cool emergency of Gabe's favorite things!

A few days after Nana and Grandpa left, Dan's mom, Sister Kristi, and cousins Terry and Ashley came!  While they were here, we hung out around the house alot and played outside in the nice weather.  We had a campfire, Jumped on the trampoline, and roasted hot dogs and smores of course!

The kids played on the slip-n-slide!  Gabe ran along side, as he was alittle too cold to go down the slide.  The water was quite chilly, but Terry and Ashley were both troopers!

On one of the days Dan and I had to work, the whole clan went to the Wildlife Safari in Southern Oregon.  They saw all kinds of amazing animals, and even got to ride on a camel!

Dan's Mom takes such awesome pictures of the kids!  I just had to share with all of you!