Sunday, August 18, 2013


We set out on our two- week road trip to Montana with our first night in a campground in Pasco, Wa.  It was certainly no "destination", but it was a quiet, safe place to stay the first night and it would take us a good part of the way to my folks' house in eastern Washington the second day.

Mom and Dad live in a real nice RV park in the summer months up in Northeastern Washington.  We pulled the camper right up into the driveway and spent the night there.  We took advantage of the pool and hot tub right there in the clubhouse before settling in for the night.

The next day we went to a nearby community center that had a really cool water park with all sorts of slides and structures to play on.  My folks had been talking about how much they thought Gabe would like this place, and boy were they right!

Gabe and Nana going down the slide together! 

 And then there was the Big Slide!  Nana and I had to take turns going down the slide with Gabe until we were finally both waterlogged and convinced him to take a break for awhile.

After leaving my folks' place in Skookum, we headed east thru Idaho and into Montana where we decided to stop for the night at a campground on the Clark Fork river.

We arrived in Missoula early the next day and took care of some logistics; fishing license, fuel, food, laundry, beer (or course), etc. We spent that night with our friends in town before heading up the west fork of the Bitterroot the next day.

We met Nate, who had been camped up there for a few days, and settled in for five days of camping, fishing, and playing.  (oh, and some relaxing too!)

Gabe, Case, and Kellen readying their butterfly nets.

There was a great stretch right in our campsite that yielded many, many fish during our stay.

The Boys waiting patiently for someone to catch a fish.

We had a great time up on the Bitterroot.  The weather had been very hot and dry, so we could not have a camp fire.  We did make it thru a very intense thunder storm that brought with it true "golf ball" sized hail.  But except for that day of rain, we had very mild weather the whole time.
We all headed back to Missoula on Sunday.  Everyone was ready for a shower by then!  The boys always found something to keep themselves entertained.  I know Gabe really loved having kids to play with during that first week.
Since Gabe's 4th birthday was the next day (the day we were leaving), I got him a little cake and we had a birthday party a day early so all the kids could help celebrate.

Monday morning we headed out for the next leg of our vacation; Mary and Rogers' house in Columbia Falls, Montana.

We saw a few things along the way worthy of a picture.  All the way in Montana, and a big semi dec'd out in Oregon State Beavers logos!

We arrived at Mary and Roger's house on Monday afternoon and set out exploring our new surroundings.  They have a beautiful piece of property in the forest and a really nice house they had built about 5 years ago.

Mary Kay's Garden.  She has an electric fence around it to keep critters out.  I am proud to say that I am the only one that did not get shocked during our visit!

Knowing that it was Gabe's Birthday, Mary baked him a brownie cake shaped like a heart, and after dinner we all had brownie cake with ice cream topped with huckleberry sauce.  Yum!

Mary and Roger had the next few days off, so the next day they took us up to the big mountain ski resort and we hiked about half way up the mountain to a very lucrative huckleberry patch!  The view was awesome.  You could see the entire Flathead Valley.

Gabe did great on our hike.  I cannot believe he hiked over 2 miles that day!
Later that evening, we headed into Glacier National Park.  We had stunning views of the Rocky Mountains.

We stopped at a place called The Loop.  This is the starting point where the Going to the Sun Road heads up across the Garden Wall to the top of Continental Divide at Logan Pass.  We actually did make it all the way to the top, but it was getting dark and I was personally pretty freaked out by the whole experience to remember to take pictures at the top.  I highly recommend going to the top of Logan Pass, but it is definitely not for the faint of heart.  It was absolutely amazing and definitely the highlight of the trip for me!

The last day with Mary and Roger, we decided to take it easy so while Dan and Roger headed out to do some fishing, Mary and I took Gabe on the Gondola at the ski resort, and swimming in Whitefish Lake.
Mary showing Gabe her rock collection.

We really enjoyed our time with Mary and Roger.  Gabe was crying alittle when we left, and he has asked about Mary and Roger from time to time since we've been back.

On our way back home the next day, we camped on the Columbia River in Boardman.  We had another cool thunder storm that brought the temperature down enough to finally sleep.

As all vacations do, it finally had to end and we are now settling back into work, chores around the house, etc.  It was a wonderful family vacation though, and we will remember it for a long time to come.