Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Fall Fun

Gabe started Kindergarten this year, so we have been adapting to many changes in schedule and routine.  No more staying up until past 10 pm and sleeping in!  We have this running family saying that "everybody knows Gabe" because every kid type event we go to, all the kids, teachers, councilors, etc. know Gabe.  He has met a lot of people thru the various kid programs he has attended, and I couldn't be happier!  I think he has been among the youngest, and that probably helps make him memorable, but he does have a great personality and is well liked.  His teacher says Gabe is never doing anything alone.
In early October, we took a trip to our favorite Harvest Festival spot just north of Corvallis.  It is amazing what they can do with hay bales!  They have slides, forts, mazes, and tractor rides, not to mention a big corn maze, pumpkin patch, and yummy lemonade and caramel corn.  We spent over 3 hours there, and I still had to bribe Gabe with his choice for dinner to get him to leave.

I had many wonderful ideas for Gabe's costume for Halloween, but I have to accept that the days of me picking his costume are over.  He insisted on being a Power Ranger, even though he really doesn't watch that cartoon.  We had a few decorations along with his jack-o-lantern, so I took this pic as we were on our way downtown to Trick-or-Treat.

Downtown Trick-or-Treating.
This year, Gabe analyzed every single piece of candy and spoke, at length, to every shop owner.

A hard days work pays off in Candy!