To start out a small orchard, we planted two apple trees, a pink lady and a liberty, and a Bartlett pear tree. I decided to error on the side of caution and go with all self-fruitful, meaning they do not need a pollinator tree, since we do not have any close neighbors and therefore, no fruit trees in the near vicinity. Since
they are bare root, we are looking at about 7 years until they are at full production, but they should start giving us some fruit at about year 3. Since we have quite a few deer that enjoy spending time on our property, we took the necessary precautions of 8-foot tall fences around each little tree. Did not get any plum trees for Dan, sorry honey, but we will have to add some next year since that is his favorite.
Put in three garden boxes and a few loads of extra compost for our vegis and side plantings. We haven't got anything planted in them yet because it decided to monsoon for the following 10 days....Gotta love spring!
Dan even put together a little make shift green house for my vegi and flower starts!