Wow! I cannot believe a whole year has gone by already. Gabriel turned one on August 5th, and he is more of a little boy, then a baby now (sniff, sniff). Nana and Grandpa were here to visit for a whole week to help me with Gabe while Dan was in Montana. We had such a great time. This is Gabe's first Birthday Cake. I'm not sure he really knew what was going on, but he sure didn't mind all the attention (or the cake!)

Nana and Grandpa took Gabe all over the place, going out to eat and shopping. He had a wonderful time (getting a taste of retirement. I hear it's a good life!) Grandpa is good at getting Gabe all wound up. Some giggles before bed, in this case.
We met Erin, Greg, and the boys at Bauman's Gardens for a little birthday get together and picnic. They had a big play area for the kids, not to mention petting zoo, wood fort and beautiful flower garden picnic area. We spent the afternoon running around, playing, and eating more cake! Gabe can't keep up with his cousins yet, but it's just a matter of time, I'm sure. The boys all sit down for Birthday Cake.
Gabe in a sugar trance...
Nana and Gabe spent alot of time together reading and playing.

After a fun-filled week with my folks, Dan came home from Montana and his Mom, Grandma, Sister and cousins Ashley and Terry came to visit and celebrate Gabe's Big Birthday! The kids played around the house, listened to Dan play guitar, and even helped him sing a few times. We also spent a day at the beach and the Oregon Coast Aquarium.
Dan made us great meals every night. The kids sit down with Great-Grandma to eat.
Gabe is enjoying a Giant Chocolate Chip cookie for his Birthday.
I'm ONE!
We had such a great time with everybody over the last couple weeks, it does seem kind of lonely around here now. Gabe has lots of new toys to play with and keep him busy. Thank you all so much for spending time with us and Gabe for his first Birthday. We are very lucky. Love and Miss you all!