Dan's Mom, his sister Kristi, and her kids Ashley and Terry came from eastern Oregon to stay with us for a whole week. We had a great time. The kids really enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and even the adults got in on the fun!

Gabe "jumping" with Aunt Kris

Roasting marshmallows for Smores. We did this a couple nights during their visit. We could roast a pretty mean marshmallow by the end.
We took the whole bunch to Alsea Falls for a day of exploring.
Furn Ridge Reservoir
We all took turns going for a spin in the boat with Dan. The lake isn't much for fishing, but it has lots of native birds nesting along its shores and happens to be close to our house so it is a good place for us to try out the boat motor each year before we take it to the Cascades.

Gabe got a Train Set from his Grandma for his Birthday. He is absolutely obsessed with it! We have relocated it to the coffee table so he can have all his new cars up on the tracks too. He calls the train "KeeKee" ( I guess that is what we sound like when we make train sounds.)

Dan's Grandparents sent Gabe a "real" John Deer wheel barrow for his Birthday! He loves filling it with toys and pushig it around the yard. As I have said before, it is all great practice to get him ready for the teenage years. There is always work to be done on the property :)