Corvallis is very kid friendly. They put on a downtown trick-or-treating event during the day for all the little ones. The first few stops Gabe just sort of froze and stared at the candy and the other kids, not sure of what to do. But he got the hang of it really quick. He would drop my hand, walk right up to the candy bowl and dig out a piece to put in his bag. He was mesmerized by all the kids in costumes, some of which he actually recognized as characters he knew. The downtown library had a little Halloween "fair" with balloons, games, stickers, etc. too, so we went to that as well. Gabe is way more into balloons and stickers then candy so I ended up with the candy bag for the rest of the day. We had soooo much fun, saw lots of people we know, and are already looking forward to next year.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween, Y'All!
Last year I found a really cute dragon costume for Gabe at the thrift store, but when I put it on him he cried and cried, so I had to take it right back off. Now that he's 2, I knew he would really enjoy trick-or-treating, but I still wasn't sure if he would be too keen on wearing a costume. I tried to keep it simple, with a cowboy costume and it worked out fine. He didn't seem to mind the costume, and actually enjoyed wearing daddy's hat for awhile too.