Sunday, December 18, 2011
Season's Greetings!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
LiL' Kickers
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Happy Halloween, Y'All!
Corvallis is very kid friendly. They put on a downtown trick-or-treating event during the day for all the little ones. The first few stops Gabe just sort of froze and stared at the candy and the other kids, not sure of what to do. But he got the hang of it really quick. He would drop my hand, walk right up to the candy bowl and dig out a piece to put in his bag. He was mesmerized by all the kids in costumes, some of which he actually recognized as characters he knew. The downtown library had a little Halloween "fair" with balloons, games, stickers, etc. too, so we went to that as well. Gabe is way more into balloons and stickers then candy so I ended up with the candy bag for the rest of the day. We had soooo much fun, saw lots of people we know, and are already looking forward to next year.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Deschutes

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Pendleton Vacation 2011
Visiting the "Indian Village"
The real stars of the Rodeo.
As with most vacations, this one was not without incident. We had a water hose break in the camper and flood 6 gallons of water (fresh...thank god!) into the floor of our camper. Luckily, it is under warranty so we were able to get it fixed right away and get everything dried out before any damage could occur. Oh well, we had a good time anyway and are already looking forward to next year!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Davis Lake
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Grandma and Aunt and Cousins.....OH MY!
We took the whole bunch to Alsea Falls for a day of exploring.
Furn Ridge Reservoir
We all took turns going for a spin in the boat with Dan. The lake isn't much for fishing, but it has lots of native birds nesting along its shores and happens to be close to our house so it is a good place for us to try out the boat motor each year before we take it to the Cascades.
Nana & Grampa Visit

At Gathering Together Farm